Today I try to connect pgAdmin to PostgreSQL but failed. I got fe_sendauth: no password supplied error.

After googling I find this:

Bassically it is important to understand that for most Unix distributions, the default Postgres user neither requires nor uses a password for authentication. Instead, depending how Postgres was originally installed and what version you are using, the default authentication method will either be ident or peer.


So on default setup, the default user for Postgres is postgres and require no password. And the solution to allow pgadmin to connect to Postgres is to change the authentication in Postgres from md5 to trust.

First open pg_hba.conf by run sudo nano /etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.conf

And change the line:

# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               md5


# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               trust

After that don’t forget to restart the Postgres server.